Afternoon Tea Greeting Card

The art of a handwritten card is all but lost in today’s internet age. Coming from a blogger it hardly makes sense to say such a thing, but if you can remember the last time someone put pen to paper to write you a heartfelt note, then I’m sure you’ll agree: a stroke of cursive can speak volumes.

One of my favorite stores has to be Papyrus, the mecca for eye-catching, one-of-a-kind cards. Sometimes I look at their cards and think: “Wow, this is so cute!” Other times, I think: “Hey, I could totally make this…”

This Afternoon Tea Greeting Card is inspired by all those delightful treasures I’ve come across at Papyrus. For the longest time, I had this adorable wrapping paper print called Tea Time lying unused in my craft drawer, and I figured that this was the perfect opportunity to use it.

You might already know from my previous posts how much I love Mod Podge Dimensional Magic. In this project, this craft glue adds a thick layer of glaze to the paper teacup and teapot designs so that they give off a shiny, porcelain-like lustre.

Some of the teacups will be hung, some will be shelved, and the teapots will be set up right up along side a fresh pile of green tea. In my opinion, this little card is an artful gift in itself. Although it’s perfect for Mother’s Day or as a birthday card, I think it’s most special when given was a thinking of you card for someone who simply loves tea.

Afternoon Tea Greeting Card

What You’ll Need:

teacup and teapot images (I used Caspari’s Tea Time gift wrapping paper)

1 blank greeting card with envelope (I used a 5 1/2″ card)

small piece of card stock (I just used another blank greeting card)

3 wooden skewers (the culinary kind you use for kabobs, cut to 5″ to fit my size card)

6 small silver brads

2′ decorative twine, cut into 5 equal pieces

1 1/2″ piece decorative string or twine

1 teabag or 1/2 tsp loose tea

Mod Podge Dimensional Magic

paper glue

strong gel adhesive or hot glue w/ glue gun (that dries clear)

4 adhesive foam dots (I used 7/16″size)

sharp scissors

1/16″ hole punch

regular hole punch (optional)


1.)  Prep the Images. If using Caspari’s Tea Time wrapping paper, cut around teacup and teapot images, leaving a 1/8″ border around the pictures. You will need 8 teacups and 2 teapots to make 1 card.

2.)  Apply an even, thin layer of paper glue on the back side of all the cut images, then stick them onto the small piece of card stock. It’s ok to glue one image right next to the next one.

3.)  After you’ve glued the images to the card stock, use the Mod Podge Dimensional Magic to trace and fill the images so that they will appear shiny (and dimensional) later. You will need 5 teacup images outlined without a dish, 3 teacup images with a dish, and 2 teapots.

4.)  Let the Dimensional Magic dry for about 2 hours, until it is completely dry and clear. Use a pair of scissors to precisely cut the images out–5 teacups, 3 teacup with dishes, and 2 teapots–without any remaining border. Set the images aside.

5.)  Make a Row of Hanging Teacups. Use 1/16″ hole punch to punch a small hole in the handle section of each teacup (without dish) image. With each of the 5 pieces of twine, thread one teacup (without dish) through, then tie a knot to create a loop that is 2″ around (1″ when thread is doubled up). Repeat this process 5 times to create 5 “teacup charms.”

6.)  Open up a brad, loop one teacup charm into the center of the brad, then wrap the brad tightly around the wooden skewer so that it doesn’t slide around easily. Cut off any excess twine that goes past the knot. Repeat this process 5 times so that all 5 “teacup charms” hang off of the skewer using the 5 brads.

7.)  Attach the Teacups, Teapots, and Skewer Shelving. Stick two adhesive foam dots on the back side of each of the 2 teapots.

8.)  Place all the images on the card in the exact locations where they will be glued down…just eyeball it until it looks good. I like to place the hanging teacups as the top row, the sitting teacups (with dishes) as the second row, and the teapots on the bottom row. For the bottom row, make space to glue the 1 1/2″ piece of decorative string later (this will become the plate with the tea on it).

9.)  Use the gel adhesive or hot glue to attach the 3 skewers to the card. Use the gel adhesive to glue the teacups (with dishes) onto the card (to sit on the middle skewer/”shelf”). For the bottom shelf, peel the protective cover off from the adhesive foam dots (on the back of the teapots), then affix them to sit on both ends the bottom skewer.

10.)  Add a Large Pile of Tea! Create a smile-like shape with the 1 1/2″ piece of string so that it looks bowl-like from the side. Glue this string piece in the middle of the bottom row/skewer. Finally, use the Dimensional Magic to create a triangular, pile-like formation of glue atop the “bowl.” Rip open the tea bag and use your fingers to carefully sprinkle the tea leaves on top of the Dimensional Magic so that they stick. Let the card dry for a few hours or overnight, then turn the card over and knock off any of the excess tea…your Afternoon Tea Greeting Card is complete!

23 thoughts on “Afternoon Tea Greeting Card

  1. I love this, Bonnie! It is absolutely adorable, and I love your take with the hanging teacups. I make cards regularly and send handwritten cards to friends and family for many reasons, but even if I don’t have a reason, I send a hello anyway. There is something so special about receiving mail and personalized cards. I haven’t used modge podge, but I remember how amazing it is from your post with the coasters. I think the recipient of this card will be thrilled!

    • Card making is a charming little hobby, isn’t it? I bet your cards are beautiful. It’s such a thoughtful gesture to send out a handwritten note for no particular reason. My sweet mom was the recipient of this card, and I’m happy to say that she really loved it. Since you love card making, I highly recommend a visit to the Mod Podge aisle at your local craft store. The stuff comes in so many textures and finishes…it will certainly take your card making projects to the next level Ngan! Thanks so much for the kind words and Happy Friday! 🙂

  2. Wonderful! My husband always tells people that he fell in love with me because of my (handwritten) letters to him while we were dating and I was living in Orange County and he in Santa Monica. We both saved all of our almost daily letters to each other. BUT I have never made a craft letter or card such as yours . . . very inspiring !!

    • Aww, I didn’t think that OC was that far off from SM, but if you are in love I guess it’s just too far. How sweet that you can look back at them now Sue! Card, note, or letter, as long as it’s handwritten it’s a treasure. 🙂

  3. Such a great idea! I just love the look of your tea greeting card, it would be the perfect invitation to a tea party 🙂 I never have heard of mod podge, gonna check that out, thanks!

    • Yes, it makes a fun little invitation doesn’t it? Mod podge is really great stuff…hope you can find some over in Vienna, very useful for both practical and craft purposes. 🙂

  4. This turned out so delicate and cute! I recall seeing a line of greeting cards at a tea shop in my hometown that had paintings of tea cups and a slot to fit a tea bag–that’s the nice thing about tea bags, they’re flat enough to send some warm wishes *and* warm you up.

    • Thank you Buri-chan! Originally, my idea was to create one of those tea bag/slot cards, but somehow the project evolved into something else. I love how a small tea bag can be slipped into any greeting card…such a special way to send along your good wishes. 🙂

  5. This is so cute, Bonnie! I agree that a hand written card or note is really special and warm. I bet your card must smell amazing with those loose tea leaves. 🙂

  6. This looks so cute Bonnie and I’m so jealous now because I’m an absolute disaster when comes to making things like these cards, or even the idea of making it! My head is empty and no constructive thoughts. It’s sad because I love these things and usually I just buy them, which is a pity as it would be so much nicer to make one, and give it to someone. Lovely idea!

    • Nothing wrong with buying them…I do all the time! 🙂 At the very least, seeing any kind of handmade process helps to explain why some cards are so costly.:) Thanks so much for the kind complements Marta…hope you are having a lovely weekend!

  7. Pingback: Use Christmas Cards to Boost Employee Retention | Create Resumes | Find Jobs | FastJobz.Com

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